Adopt a Pet

Campus Accessibility During Construction

The Irvine Animal Care Center is committed to maintaining an accessible and functional facility for our community members. Please note the location of our entrance has changed, and our Customer Care section has been relocated to a portable office near the new entry. A-frame signs and blue “entrance” flags will guide visitors to the new entrance gate. For more information visit Contact, Hours & Location. We appreciate your patience and support during this time.

Available Pets for Adoption

Image links to webpage for adoptable dogs

Dogs(link is external)

image links to webpage of adoptable cats

Cats(link is external)

image links to webpage of adoptable rabbits and other small animals

Rabbits & Others(link is external)


View our available pets online anytime by clicking the links located at the top of this page. The center is open for first-come, first-served adoptions during Adoption Hours.

Adoption Hours

Weekdays: Noon–5 p.m. 
Weekends: 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 
Closed Tuesdays and Holidays

Adoption Process

1. Visit the center in person.
The center is open for first-come, first-served adoptions during the Adoption Hours listed. Here are a few things to note when you come in to adopt:

  • You must check in with the front office.
  • Next, complete and submit an Adoption Interest Form and Interaction Waiver. Once our Customer Care team receives your Interest Form and Waiver in person, they will timestamp them and contact an Adoption Counselor.
  • Adoption Counselors review forms in the order they are received, completing each adoption counseling before moving on to the next.
  • Depending on animal availability, staff availability, visitor volume, or unforeseen circumstances, the center may not be able to service all of the adoption interests on a given day.
  • Please Note: The center does not have the ability to verify a potential adopter’s arrival time prior to when doors open. If multiple parties with an interest in the same animal are waiting when doors open, all present will be entered in a lottery. The adoption process for that animal will begin with the first name drawn.

2. Meet in person with an Adoption Counselor.
This is the time when you will meet and interact with your potential new pet. You will have the opportunity to ask the Adoption Counselor questions about training and get tips on helping the animal adjust to your home. If the animal you are interested in has any medical or behavioral conditions, one of our Clinic or Behavior staff will provide custom pre-adoption counseling. Once it is your turn to meet with an Adoption Counselor, completing the adoption process can take up to one hour.

3. Finalize the adoption.
If you've found a great match, our Customer Care staff will walk you through the process of finalizing the adoption! If you decide to adopt, please be prepared to bring your new family member home the same day. The center does not hold animals overnight for adopters. If you are unable to bring your new family member home the same day, you will forfeit the adoption and need to start the process over from the beginning.

Adoption Information

  • The adopter must be at least 18 years old.
  • ​The Irvine Animal Care Center does not reserve pets for adoption by telephone or e-mail. 
  • We strongly recommend everyone living in the household meet your potential new family member during the adoption. appointment to help ensure the best fit for the home.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the animal-ownership laws for your city of residence prior to considering adopting.
  • If you rent your home, please familiarize yourself with any animal-ownership restrictions your landlord may have in place prior to considering adopting.
  • A lottery system may be implemented for popular animals.

Adoption Fees

Type of Animal

Adoption Fee

Kitten (up to 5 months)


Cat (5+ months)


Puppy (up to 5 months)*


Dog (5+ months)


Senior Dog or Cat


Special Needs Dog or Cat






*Puppy Wellness Program: Since it is so crucial for puppies to be socialized properly, the Irvine Animal Care Center offers a $50 training credit if you complete a puppy training class (basic obedience) within the first six months of adoption. 

Included with Adoption

  1. Spay/neuter.
  2. General veterinary exam.
  3. Vaccinations appropriate to age.
  4. Flea treatment.
  5. Basic de-worming.
  6. Microchip with lifetime registration.
  7. Sample bag of Science Diet (dog or cat) or bag of hay (rabbit).
  8. Free vet check at participating veterinarian. Search the member list here(link is external).

Adoption Philosophy

A primary goal of the Irvine Animal Care Center is to increase animal adoptions into responsible homes while promoting healthy human and animal relationships. The center incorporates its values throughout the entire adoption process. 

Irvine Animal Care Center Values

Mutual Respect, Innovation, Integrity, Professionalism, Flexibility, and Responsiveness. 

Center staff use the ASPCA’s Meet Your Match program to provide guidance and expert advice, with the goal of better facilitating a successful adoption and managing adopters' expectations. To learn more about finding your perfect pet companion, read about Meet Your Match here