Pop-Up Workshop June 2021: Living Soil

Saturday, June 26, 2021 - 10:00am - 11:00am

These  Farm + Food Lab popular and unique workshops and demonstrations are presented by Solutions for Urban Agriculture and other guest speakers. All ages welcome.

On June 26, join Jade Luu, a Kiss the Ground Soil Advocate, to discover regenerative practices that heal the soil, revive ecosystems, increase farmer wellbeing, and help balance the climate. 

Workshops are free, but registration is required at yourirvine.org (registration opens May 15). 


A virtual option has now been added for this workshop! Sign up at yourirvine.org.

Please note: The City of Irvine is following state and local guidelines under the statewide emergency order. Activities will only be conducted if allowed by existing guidelines at the time of the class. Some activities may be limited in capacity, require location change, or be canceled to accommodate existing guidelines. Visit yourirvine.org for the most up-to-date information. For questions, call 949-724-6247.
