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If you feel the citation should not have been issued, or was issued in error, for instance the violation was simply not committed, or the violation should not have been cited because of a parking variance or some other extenuating circumstances, you may request a review of the citation.

Reviews must be requested in writing within 21 days of the violation and the request must be sent to the processing company that maintains the citation records. Requests received that are postmarked outside the 21-day period will not be reviewed.

City of Irvine
c/o Parking Citation Service Center
P.O. Box 11923
Santa Ana, CA 92711

The review should include the name address and phone number of the person requesting the review and a complete explanation including any evidence available of why you feel the citation was issued in error. It is important to include all information helpful to your position because there will not be an opportunity to add information for the reviewers consideration after the fact.


Handicapped Placard - You were issued a citation for being parked in a Handicapped Space but you do have a placard and just forgot to hang it up. Include in your request for review, an explanation of what occurred, a copy of the issued placard (must not be expired), a copy of the DMV registration for your placard (this will prove that it was issued before the date of the violation), a signed letter from the registered owner of the placard. This may be a different person than the driver of the vehicle. The registered owner must state that he/she was in fact in the vehicle, at the location, on the date and time the citation was committed, and include a photocopy of the placard owners ID or drivers license. Requests for dismissals received outside the 21-day period will not be reviewed.


No Current Tabs - A citation for this violation is sometimes issued even when the vehicle is currently registered if the owner forgets to put the new tabs on the plate, or if the tabs are stolen without the owner realizing they are missing. In these cases, the violation can be reduced to a nominal administrative fee by making the correction and having the back of the citation signed by a law enforcement officer. If the vehicle was not currently registered, the violation can be signed off if proof of current registration is provided and the back of the citation is signed by a law enforcement officer within 21 days of the violation. Corrections can also be signed off at the business desk of the police department during business hours. Once the citation is signed off, the reduced fine amount indicated on the back of the citation can be sent to the processing company. This procedure is the same for any correctable equipment violation. Reduced fines will not apply to payments received outside the 21-day period.

