Enhanced Use of Technology & Equipment
Along with the transition to geo-policing the Department continued its contemporary advancements by updating and modernizing its patrol force and policing capabilities utilizing the latest state-of-the-art law enforcement equipment and technology.
The progressive approach included equipping officers with patrol rifles and other less-lethal alternatives such as the Oleoresin Capsicum (OC/pepper) spray, TASER Electronic Control Device (ECD), and the 40mm exact impact projectile device.
The Irvine Police Department also installed video cameras in all patrol vehicles. The digital recording devices activate whenever officers drive with lights and siren or when involved in contacts with citizens.
Video and audio is then wirelessly transferred to storage servers and routinely used for court purposes. In-car camera systems provide many benefits to officers such as increased officer safety and training opportunities. This accountability tool represents an investment in best practices in law enforcement and serves as an important benefit to the community.
Great Park Safety Officers & the New Construction Site Security Ordinance 2004-2006