
Community Police Academy & Mobile Comm

In April 2007, the Irvine Police Department initiated a “Clergy Police Academy” based on the Department’s successful Community Police Academy, which to date has graduated 400 participants. The newly established Clergy Academy has been tailored toward the City’s faith-based leaders. Faith plays an integral role in day-to-day life and for victims of crime or other trauma, faith often assists in the coping and healing process. Program participants hear from officers and department personnel who work major crime scenes to develop a greater understanding of the department and how they may best serve the community.

In 2008, the Irvine Police Department completed work on a state-of-the-art “Mobile Comm Vehicle.” The 45-foot Mobile Comm allows Irvine Police personnel to coordinate resources from the field during an emergency. It integrates voice, data and video communications from six internal workstations, an outside workstation and a conference room. The vehicle also includes two police dispatch consoles – a first for the county. It was chosen as the “Best in the West” Specialty Vehicle by the California Peace Officers’ Association in September 2008. The Mobile Comm vehicle was chosen ahead of 17 other entries from nine western states.

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