Learn everything you need to know about sustainable home gardening practices. Workshop will be conducted by the UCCE Master Gardeners of Orange County.
On May 29, earn how and when to plant herbs such as parsley, basil, thyme, marjoram, sage, and oregano in containers or garden beds, how to care for, and how to harvest and use for extra tasty meals.
Workshop is free, but registration is required and space is limited. Ages 12+. Sign up at yourirvine.org.
A virtual option has now been added for this workshop! Sign up at yourirvine.org.
Please note: The City of Irvine is following state and local guidelines under the statewide emergency order. Activities will only be conducted if allowed by existing guidelines at the time of the class. Some activities may be limited in capacity, require location change, or be canceled to accommodate existing guidelines. Visit yourirvine.org for the most up-to-date information. For questions, call 949-724-6247.