Bottle Baby Kitten Foster Volunteers Needed

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Irvine Animal Care Center is in need of foster caregivers able to open their hearts and homes to our most vulnerable animals. Spring is just around the corner and the center will soon be overflowing with newborn kittens. Orphaned kittens require the same care that kittens with mothers require, and Bottle Baby foster volunteers must also take on the duties of the mother cat.

Bottle-fed babies need:

  • Around-the-clock bottle feeding every two to three hours.
  • A warm, quiet, and secure place inside the home that’s separate from all other family pets.
  • Gentle cleaning.
  • Transportation to the center every two weeks for foster appointments.
  • Consistent care for up to four weeks.

The center provides:

  • Training
  • Supplies (formula, litter, bedding, etc.)
  • Equipment (digital scale, carrier, crate/pen)
  • Veterinary care, including medical treatment if needed
  • Adoption after the animals return to the center

To get started, email and let us know you're interested. Learn more about the Foster Care program at