On Tuesday, May 23, at 10 a.m., the City of Irvine will embark on an exciting new chapter with a groundbreaking ceremony to commence construction on the next phase of development – the Great Park Framework Plan – at the Great Park. The ceremony will signify the commencement of a highly anticipated project that promises to enhance the park's offerings and further enrich the vibrant and diverse community of Irvine.
This milestone event will bring together local officials, community leaders, project stakeholders, and residents to celebrate the park's evolution and the beginning of this transformative project. Attendees can expect to hear from influential individuals who have played key roles in shaping the Great Park and its vision for the future.
The Great Park Framework Plan brings over 300 acres of innovative and unique public space to the park, including lakes, gardens, live music, museums, wide open meadows, and space to honor those who served. Grounded in history and driven by community, the new phase of the Great Park will bring an expanding array of recreational and cultural opportunities to Irvine and the region as a park for all.
At 1,300 acres, the Great Park will be one of the biggest municipal parks in the world. Framed by forest, defined by open space and a wide variety of community-serving uses, it brings nature, exploration, and wonder to Irvine’s doorstep. Both big and great, large municipal parks bring beneficial aspects of nature into the built environment, improve our physical and psychological health, strengthen our communities, and provide an antidote to the stress of daily life. The Great Park is a celebration of Irvine’s rich heritage and diverse community — and a multifaceted investment in our collective future. It’s a place of joy, wellness, and wonder that will gracefully evolve and enrich the lives of future generations.