City of Irvine Issues Amended Face Covering Order

Friday, June 26, 2020

Irvine Director of Emergency Services Amends Face Covering Order to Align with State.

On Wednesday, June 24, Irvine City Manager John Russo, in his capacity as Director of Emergency Services, released an amended Executive Order requiring the use of face coverings.

This amendment aligns with new guidance from the California Department of Health.

“This Order was originally implemented by the Irvine Disaster Council on April 8, to safeguard our residents, businesses, and visitors from the spread of COVID-19,” stated City Manager John Russo. “By aligning our Order with the most recent statewide guidance, we continue the necessary measures to protect our community. It is critical we work together and follow health directives, allowing businesses to reopen and individuals to get back to work.”   

Other existing guidelines remain in effect, such as the need to maintain six feet of social distancing, wash your hands frequently, refrain from touching your face, and stay home when ill.   

The Executive Order states all Irvine residents and visitors shall wear a cloth face covering or face shield when:

  • In a public place;
  • Visiting a retail, commercial or other place of business;
  • At work, and;
  • When the resident or visitor is not able to maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from another person who is not a family/household member or live in the same living unit.

Additional requirements to this Order include:

  1. All businesses must cause their patrons, in addition to their employees, to wear face coverings and observe social distancing and infection control requirements.
  2. Businesses allowed to reopen must post signage advising patrons of the face cover and social distancing requirements.
  3. Failure to enforce face covering obligation can ultimately result in store closure.
  4. Failure for individuals to comply with this Order are subject to civil enforcement actions.

The face covering order shall not apply to children under the age of 2; to anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face-covering or face shield without assistance; or to persons with a medical or mental health condition, or development disability, that prevents wearing a cloth face covering or face shield.

This Order will remain in effect until terminated or amended by further Order of the Director of Emergency Services.

Read the full Executive Order here.

For more information about the use of face coverings or to find a provider, visit