The City of Irvine, in keeping with evolving state and county guidance, will modify or re-open many recreation services and programs. Following recently released guidance from the California Department of Public Health, the City has scheduled modified summer camps, will open aquatic centers for limited programs, and will open museum and gallery spaces at the Orange County Great Park.
“Our community has worked together to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, in support of countywide efforts,” said Mayor Christina L. Shea. “This has allowed us to safely re-open some recreational activities in time for our residents to enjoy during the summer.”
The Orange County Health Officer approved implementation of statewide guidance for services such as day camps, galleries, museums, fitness centers and aquatic venues, which has allowed the following changes in the status of City amenities and facilities:
Summer Camps: Guidance provided for day camps permits the City to operate summer camps in keeping with state and local safety guidelines. The City has scheduled some camps to begin June 22, with additional camps being added weekly. Registration and additional information is available at cityofirvine.org/camps.
Orange County Great Park Palm Court Arts Complex: In keeping with guidance provided for galleries and museums, the City will re-open Hangar 244 and the Great Park Gallery during normal operating hours. Both spaces have exhibitions based on the history of Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro – more information is available at ocgp.org/arts. While galleries at the Irvine Fine Arts Center remain closed until further notice, staff have developed online classes for the public. More information is available at yourirvine.org.
Orange County Great Park Farm + Food Lab: Following guidance provided last month for outdoor museums, the Farm + Food Lab has re-opened with social distancing guidelines in place. More information is available at ocgp.org/farmfoodlab.
Aquatic Centers: The William Woollett Jr. Aquatics Center and Northwood High School Aquatics Center will re-open for modified programs such as lap swim and water walking by reservation starting June 15. Reservations must be made in advance online, and locker rooms will not be available. Outdoor showers and restrooms will be available. For more information, visit cityofirvine.org/aquatics.
Sports Facilities: The State has not yet permitted youth sports to return, and athletic fields remain closed for drop-in use. Tennis courts are open, and sports stadiums are open for use by professional sports teams, without spectators. Batting cages will be available by reservation for organized youth groups.
As the State continues to provide guidance to be reviewed by the County Health Officer, the City of Irvine will provide updates at cityofirvine.org.