City of Irvine to Open Tennis & Pickleball Courts for Modified Play

Thursday, May 14, 2020

At its meeting on May 12, Irvine City Council approved the reopening of City tennis and pickleball courts, following guidelines established by the State’s Resilience Roadmap. Tennis and pickleball courts will be open during regular operating hours beginning Friday, May 15. Courts will be open for singles play and one-on-one City-led instruction with safety guidelines in place. 

The City has adopted guidelines suggested by the United States Tennis Association and USA Pickleball Association for safe play to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Guidelines include:

  • Practice social distancing measures, including standing 6 feet from court entrances and exits while waiting to play and not congregating on the court before or after play.
  • Play with a new ball and rotate new ones into play whenever possible.
  • Do not share personal equipment or racquets.
  • Avoid changing court sides during play.
  • Avoid physical contact with others and do not touch gates, fences, benches, and other court amenities.

Full guidelines and court locations are available at Doubles play and any non-tennis and non-pickleball activities on courts are prohibited to promote safe social distancing precautions. Guidelines will be posted at every City court, and City staff will continue to monitor the parks for safe usage.

For more information call 949-724-6400, or email