The City of Irvine will begin accepting applications for vacancies on the Irvine Residents with Disabilities Advisory Committee Monday, March 3. The committee is a public advisory body of the City of Irvine that reports to the Community Services Commission. Its members provide input on the needs of Irvine residents with disabilities.
The committee is comprised of volunteer members who live or work in the City of Irvine, with 51% being individuals with a disability or directly related to a person with a disability. Committee members must be willing to participate in four meetings per year, which are held on the first Tuesday of February, May, August, and November at 6 p.m. at Sweet Shade Ability Center.
Applications are available starting Monday, March 3, at Sweet Shade Ability Center, 15 Sweet Shade; Irvine Civic Center, 1 Civic Center Plaza; and online at Completed applications must be submitted by 4 p.m. Thursday, March 20. Applications may be mailed, hand-delivered, or submitted online.
For additional information, contact Community Services Supervisor Robert Espinosa at 949-724-6443 or