Wednesday, May 16, 2018
The Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee is happy to announce that more than 35 babies in the 2/11 Marine Battalion are due to arrive in 2018. Help support the families of Irvine's adopted 2/11 Marine Battalion by donating new baby gifts.
Donations needed include:
- Baby laundry detergent
- Baby shampoo and body wash
- Baby wipes
- Burp clothes
- Crib sheets
- Diaper cream
- Diapers
- Infant gowns
- No scratch mittens
- Onesies
- Pacifiers
- Swaddle blankets
- Socks
- Towels & washcloth sets
Donations can be dropped off through June 1 at Irvine Civic Center, Community Services (Second Floor), 1 Civic Center Plaza.