How to Participate in the City Council or Great Park Meeting

In an effort to protect public health and prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the City of Irvine encourages the public to view City Council meetings on television or online instead of attending in person. The meeting is broadcast live on ICTV, Cox Communications Local Access Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and live streamed online at and on YouTube at Members of the public who wish to comment on matters before the Council, in lieu of doing so in person, may submit comments via “e-comment,” which will be provided to the City Council as part of the City Council meeting record and will be uploaded to the City’s website.

In addition to viewing City Council Meetings via the live and on-demand ICTV streaming service, the City is pleased to announce that City Council meetings will be available through Zoom web-conferencing in an effort to enhance community engagement, and will include a dial in conference call line.

How to Submit a Comment

To submit an e-comment on an upcoming meeting agenda prior to commencement of the meeting, click here and select the respective agenda item. 

To submit an e-comment on an upcoming meeting agenda during the meeting, click here and select the respective agenda item.

New Feature: Zoom for Online Meeting Participation

In addition to viewing City Council Meetings via the live and on-demand ICTV streaming service, the City is pleased to announce that City Council meetings will be available through Zoom web-conferencing in an effort to enhance community engagement, and will include a dial in conference call line.

The Zoom web conference will be available to join 60 minutes before the scheduled start of the City Council meeting to allow time for participants to get familiar with the new process before the meeting.

Participate During a Meeting

Community members may provide live public comments via Zoom during City Council meetings. Click here and use the passcode below. You can also join via the Zoom app on your smartphone or tablet, or in a web browser at by entering the Meeting ID and Passcode below.

Meeting ID: 848 4853 1263
Passcode: 272906

Please provide your name in the Zoom application to allow the City Clerk to call your when it is your time to talk. We suggest installing and testing the Zoom software on your devices prior to the commencement of the meeting

How to Connect to the Zoom Web Conference by Telephone 

To join to the Zoom web conference from your phone, dial 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799. When prompted use the below Meeting ID and Passcode.

Meeting ID:  848 4853 1263
Passcode: 272906

The City Clerk will use the last 3 digits of your phone when it is your time to talk. When requested by City Clerk, call-in users can unmute and mute their phones by pressing *6. Call-in users can raise their hand by pressing *9 but they can’t lower their hand once raised.

Technical Support Prior to and During Meetings:

For technical assistance before and during the meeting, please call 949-724-6078. For any other questions and/or concerns, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 949-724-6205 during regular business hours.

For additional instructions and recommendations, please click here. If you would like to learn how to use Zoom before the meeting, visit the Zoom Video Tutorials page How to Join a Zoom Meeting - YouTube.