The City of Irvine is seeking individuals interested in enriching the lives of older adults by volunteering to become a CHAMPION (Community Helper Assisting Mature Persons in Our Neighborhood). This unique volunteer position is designed to meet the needs of isolated seniors by matching them with the interests of a friendly visiting volunteer.
Qualifications to become a CHAMPION volunteer include completion of an eight-week training series and a background check. During the eight weeks of training, volunteers learn about what is normal aging and coping with the challenges of chronic illness. Volunteers practice building rapport and setting good boundaries, and learn techniques in communicating with someone with mild memory loss. Other topics covered include: Irvine’s senior services, fall prevention, and home safety tips. Volunteers are requested to commit to one year of service, including attending monthly meetings with other CHAMPION volunteers.
A CHAMPION volunteer orientation is Wednesday, September 11, 2-3:30 p.m. Registration for this free orientation is required; sign up for course #18821 at Volunteer training sessions are held weekly September 18 through November 13, 2-3:30 p.m. There is no training on October 9. All meetings are held at the Lakeview Senior Center.
For more information, contact the Keen Center for Senior Resources at 949-724-6926.