Governor Jerry Brown recently signed Assembly Bill 341 (AB 341) requiring the state of California to increase its diversion rate to 75 percent by 2020. The law applies to commercial properties and multifamily communities who generate more than four (4) cubic yards of commercial waste per week or is a multifamily residential dwelling of five (5) units or more to arrange for recycling services on and after July 1, 2012.
New state regulations will require most businesses to contract for recycling services by July 1, 2012. A copy of the regulations can be found at CalRecycle. To ensure businesses are prepared, the City of Irvine offers a free recycling assistance program to any Irvine business. This program is designed to help businesses start or expand recycling and waste minimization programs. In many cases, recycling programs can save a business money. Every business generates trash, so now is a great time to determine the best recycling program for your business and possibly reduce your trash bill every month.
In addition to businesses, the new state regulations also require apartment communities and multi-family housing with five or more units to recycle. Many Irvine multi-family communities currently offer recycling programs to its residents.
Recycling is good for the environment, good for business and good for your bottom line. Take advantage of this free recycling assistance program today and learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle. For more information about the program, questions about the regulations, or to find out if your business falls under the regulatory threshold, call the City’s Recycling Hotline at 949-724-7669