Orange County Moves to Orange Tier in Blueprint for a Safer Economy

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Effective Wednesday, March 31, Irvine and Orange County move into the Orange Tier in the state's Blueprint for a Safer Economy. This change is a result of improved data in Orange County's COVID-19 case rates, positive tests, and health equity quartile.

In the Orange Tier, the following business sectors are amended and allowed to operate as follows, with the change from Red Tier to Orange Tier italicized. 

Sector Red Tier Orange Tier

Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 50% capacity.

Open indoors with modifications. No capacity limit. 
Shopping Centers Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 50% capacity. Closed common areas and reduced capacity food courts.  Open indoors with modifications. No capacity limits. Closed common areas and reduced capacity food courts. 
Museums, Zoos, and Aquariums Open indoors with modifications. Indoor activities maximum 25% capacity. Open indoors with modifications. Indoor activities maximum 50% capacity.
Places of Worship  Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity. Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 50% capacity.
Movie Theaters Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer. Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 50% capacity or 200 people, whichever is fewer.
Hotels and Lodging Open with modifications. Fitness centers maximum 10% capacity.   Open with modifications. Fitness centers maximum 25% capacity. Indoor pools may open. 
Gyms and Fitness Centers Open indoors with modifications Maximum 10% capacity. Climbing walls may open. Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity. Indoor pools may open. 
Restaurants Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer. Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 50% capacity or 200 people, whichever is fewer.
Wineries, Breweries and Distilleries

Outdoor only with modifications Reservations
• 90-minute time limit
• Seating/tables only
• Limited hours (service for on-site consumption closed by 8 pm)

Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity indoors, or 100 people, whichever is fewer
Bars (where no meal provided) Closed Open outdoors with modifications
Family Entertainment Centers Outdoor only with modifications Kart Racing, Mini Golf, and Batting Cages may open. Open indoors for naturally distanced activities with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity Bowling Alleys may open. 
Cardrooms, Satellite Wagering Outdoor only with modifications. Open indoors with modifications. Maximum 25% capacity. 
Offices Remote Open indoors with modifications. Teleworking encouraged.
Outdoor Live Events with Assigned Seats and Controlled Mixing (sports and live performances) Open with modifications, no live audiences. Open with modifications
• Permanent venues with live audiences outdoors only
• Capacity must be limited to 20%
• Reservations required
• Assigned seating only
• In-seat concessions only (no concourse sales)
• Regional attendees only (within 120 miles)
Effective April 1, 2021:
• Maximum 33%, includes suites with 25% occupancy per suite
• Weekly worker testing program
• In-state visitors only, check for current CDPH Travel Advisory in effect 
• Primarily in-seat concessions (no concourse sales)
• Maximum 67% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination
Amusement Parks Closed Smaller parks can open with modifications
• Capacity must be limited to 25% or 500 people, whichever is less
• Outdoor attractions only can open
• Reservations or advanced ticket sales required
• Local attendees only (from the same county as the park’s location)
Effective April 1, 2021:
• Maximum 25% capacity
• Indoor capacity maximum 25% with time restrictions
• Weekly worker testing program
• With other modifications
• In-state visitors only, check for current CDPH Travel Advisory in effect
Overnight Sleepaway Camps Effective June 1, 2021:
Open with modifications

Effective June 1, 2021:
Open with modifications

You can view a complete list of sector operations allowed in each tier from the California Department of Public Health. Visit our COVID-19 resource page for City facility updates, and other City-related information.

A county must remain in a tier for a minimum of three weeks before being able to advance to a less restrictive tier. For further details visit