Suspect Arrested for Copper Wire Theft

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Irvine, CA (April 28, 2015): A suspect has been arrested for stealing copper wire from light posts in Irvine. Armando Arroyo, 38, was arrested on charges of grand theft and conspiracy to commit grand theft. 

At approximately 12:30 p.m. yesterday, April 27, 2015, a City of Irvine landscape contractor observed two subjects on bicycles stealing copper wire from light posts along the bike path between Jeffrey Road and Sand Canyon Avenue on the south side of I-405.

The Irvine Police Department (IPD) responded to the area and located one of the suspects, Arroyo. The suspect’s vehicle was located in a nearby shopping center and the suspect was found to be in possession of copper wire and burglary tools in the car.

The identity of the second suspect is under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call IPD Detective Ramon Lerma at 949-724-7233.

Copper wire is desirable to criminals because it can be recycled for a small profit. Copper wire thieves often target vacant buildings, construction sites, electrical substations, automobiles, street lights, backflow valves, catalytic converters, electrical boxes, and agricultural equipment. These thefts are harmful to the public because they can cause water and irrigation systems to be disabled, transportation systems to be threatened, and public services at schools, hospitals, and churches to be interrupted. For every $100 in profit to the criminal, the cost of replacement and repair to the victim can be as much as $5,000.

This arrest follows a similar arrest of two suspects earlier this week. IPD is continuing to investigate and target these crimes.