News Release

City of Irvine
Public Information Office

1 Civic Center Plaza
Irvine, CA 92606



Public Information Office

City of Irvine Statement in Response to Recent Allegation

IRVINE, Calif. (August 20, 2021): It has come to the attention of the City of Irvine that a lawsuit has been filed against it, alleging sexual abuse by a former, and now deceased, sergeant against a member of the Explorers Program in or about 1984-1986. The deceased sergeant separated from the Irvine Police Department over 30 years ago and did not engage in any activities with the City of Irvine, the Irvine Police Department, or the Explorer’s Program after 1987. 

Out of respect for the legal process and the privacy rights of the individual involved in this claim, the city cannot discuss any specifics of the case at this time. However, the dedicated and caring individuals currently affiliated with the Explorers Program remain deeply committed to fostering a positive and secure environment for the community in general and its Explorers Program in particular.