Open Space Permits

The following groups are required to obtain an Open Space Access Permit and below documents prior to the date(s) of their program or activity within the Irvine Open Space Preserve. Application materials should be submitted to Facility Reservations at the City of Irvine City Hall, 1 Civic Center. For guidance on this process, please call 949-724-6620 or email

Groups of 50–100 people planning activities such as mountain bike rides or cardio runs on trails that are open daily for self-guided activity.

Groups of any size conducting commercial activities such as boot camps or professional photography on trails that are open daily for self-guided activity.

Groups of any size planning a special event such as a private interpretive hike or equestrian outing on trails restricted to docent-only activity.
(Note: Activities that take place within the sensitive habitat areas of the Irvine Open Space Preserve must be docent-led. Permits will be subject to availability of City of Irvine/Irvine Ranch Conservancy staff, and will not supplant planned free public activities such as Wilderness Access Days or classes.)

Groups of any size conducting science, research or monitoring activities in any area of the Irvine Open Space Preserve.
(Note: Approval of an access permit for research within the Irvine Open Space Preserve is contingent upon pre-approval of a research application. Research methods must be consistent with NCCP/HCP, USFWS and CDFG best practices guidelines as outlined in Appendix 1 of the research application. Please email Dr. Jutta Burger at the Irvine Ranch Conservancy for more information on research methods (including seed collection and animal handling) or for clarification regarding the application.)

If an applicant has received an approved Access Permit for any activity with a duration greater than a single day (e.g., ongoing/intermittent research project or regularly scheduled boot camps), applicant must provide notification to the City of Irvine and the Irvine Ranch Conservancy at least 48 hours prior to intended access. This serves to ensure that there are no unforeseen conflicts between scheduled activities, and that proposed sites/roads are accessible for vehicular or pedestrian travel.