Return Home Registry & Arson Investigator

Also launched in 2008, was the Irvine Police Department’s “Return Home Registry” which is an innovative program designed to assist police officers in locating lost or wandering persons missing from their home or caregivers.

This voluntary program is offered at no-cost to participants. Caregivers can voluntarily register persons who may suffer from illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome or debilitating illnesses, and children with special needs. If an officer or other police personnel observe an individual who appears to be lost or confused, they now have the tools on hand to quickly identify the individual and return them home safely.

The Irvine Police Department recently established an Arson Investigator position which is a hybrid of detective and school resource officer. The Arson Investigator works closely with the Orange County Fire Authority and focuses on prevention and intervention strategies.

Recognizing that nearly 80% of arson fires in the City of Irvine are started by juveniles, emphasis is placed on identify “at-risk” youth and supporting them by connecting with appropriate resources.

The Future