The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 12, in cooperation with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), proposes to widen Interstate 5 (I-5) between Interstate 405 (I-405) and State Route 55 (SR-55. the project limits on I-5 extend from approximately 0.4 mile (mi) north of the I-5/I-405 Interchange (Post Mile [PM] 21.3) to 0.2 mi south of SR-55 (PM 30.3) in Orange County, California. The project purpose is to reduce traffic congestion by improving traffic operations and meeting existing and future traffic demands.
Information in the Inital Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA) focuses on the environmental impact evaluation and proposed avoidance, minimization and/or mitigation of potential impacts associated with the proposed Build Alternatives. Attend the Caltrans open house to learn more about the project. If you are unable to attend and have comments and/or feedback, the comment period is open until Friday, June 8.
Project Open House:
Wednesday, May 30, 5:30-8 p.m.
Lakeview Senior Center
20 Lake Road
Irvine, CA 92604
Visit Caltrans District 12 website for full project details.