New Web-Based Waste Management Plan (WMP) Form

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To maximize efficiency, the Public Works Department has implemented a new web-based interactive Waste Management Plan (WMP) form. A completed WMP form is required from building and demolition permit applicants before they can obtain permits from the City. The new online form replaces the Excel based form previously utilized. The new application creates a more user friendly streamlined system, eliminating lengthy staff review and approval times and automatically calculating for the applicant the minimum amounts of project debris required to be recycled or otherwise diverted from the landfill. This will help take much of the guess work out of the waste planning process for applicants. After it is correctly and completely filled out online by the applicant, in most cases the WMP will be automatically approved by the automated system; applicants will then receive an immediate approval advisory notice from the City via e-mail.

The City of Irvine Municipal Code (Title 6, Division 7 – Chapter 9) and the California Green Building Standards Code (“CALGreen”) require that construction development, renovation, and demolition projects recycle or otherwise divert construction and demolition debris from landfills. These requirements promote the reuse of resources and help extend the useful life of landfills in compliance with the CALGreen Code and state laws including the California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB939, Sher) and Mandatory Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion (SB1374, Kuehl).

Questions contact Irvine Recycles: 949-724-7669

The new online form can be accessed below:

WMP Form