Orange County Approves Additional Business Reopening on June 19

Friday, June 19, 2020
The Orange County Health Officer, following state guidance, has given approval for additional businesses to open Friday, June 12, including community pools, HOA pools, day camps, gyms, and movie theaters. On June 19, the Orange County Health Officer has also given approval for personal care services to resume business. 

Below is a list of the business sectors that have been given the green light to reopen and those that have not yet been approved for reopening. All businesses must implement public health modifications prior to opening. Click on each sector to access the industry guidance.

Additional City facilities are also reopening including Woollett and Northwood Aquatics Centers, the Great Park Gallery and Artist Studios, and the Great Park Sports Complex for professional sporting activities, without fans in attendance. Modified summer camp activities will begin June 22. View the list of City facilities that are open and closed. 


OPEN Effective June 19, 2020

Campgrounds, RV Parks, and Outdoor Recreation 


Dental Offices



Day Camps


Cardrooms, Satellite Wagering Facilities, and Racetracks


Family Entertainment Centers


Movie Theaters



Casinos operated by Sovereign Tribal Nations


Museums, galleries, zoos, and aquariums


Music, film, and television production

Restaurants, bars, and wineries


Community Pools, including HOA Pools


Fitness Facilities


Professional sports WITHOUT a live audience

Personal Services such as nail salons and tattoo parlors


Dine-in restaurants


Limited Services


Office-based businesses


Retail stores & shopping malls


Hair salons/barbershops




Places of worship, cultural services, and funerals



What is Closed


Community centers, playgrounds, and picnic areas


Concert Venues





Theme Parks


Higher Education


Live Audience Sports




Organized youth/adult sports (e.g. little league)