Thursday, October 22, 2020
Voting in the November 3 Presidential General Election is underway, and more than 45,000 ballots have already been returned to date, by Irvine voters.
Vote-by-mail ballots have been mailed to all registered voters in Orange County and can be returned in one of three ways.
- By Mail: Voters can mail in their ballots; no stamp required.
- At a Ballot Drop Box: Voters can securely drop off their ballots at any of the Ballot Drop Box locations throughout Orange County now through Election Day. Ballots are picked up daily. There are 10 Ballot Drop Box locations in Irvine:
- Harvard Community Athletic Park, 14701 Harvard Avenue
- Heritage Park Community Center, 14301 Yale Avenue
- Irvine Metrolink Station, 15215 Barranca Parkway #1
- Orange County United Way, 18012 Mitchell South
- Rancho Senior Center, 3 Ethel Coplen Way
- Trabuco Center, 5701 Trabuco Road
- Turtle Rock Community Park, 1 Sunnyhill Drive
- University of California, Irvine (UCI), 405 W. Peltason
- University Park Branch Library, 4512 Sandburg Way
- Woodbury Community Park, 130 Sanctuary
- At a Vote Center: Voters can cast their ballots at any Orange County Vote Center regardless of where they are registered in the County. They can also register to vote, request a replacement ballot, get help in multiple languages, and vote with an accessible voting machine at a Vote Center.
Vote Centers will be open October 30 through November 2 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and November 3 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The following Vote Centers will be open in Irvine; four of them will have a drive-thru ballot drop-off option:
- Christ Our Redeemer A.M.E. Church, 45 Tesla
- California State University, Fullerton, Irvine, 3 Banting
- Deerfield Community Center, 55 Deerwood W.
- Evangelical Formosan Church of Irvine, 17422 Armstrong Ave
- Harvard Community Center, 14701 Harvard Ave
- Irvine Civic Center**, 1 Civic Center Plaza
- Irvine Valley College – Gym, 5500 Irvine Center Drive
- Las Lomas Community Center**, 10 Federation Way
- Los Olivos Community Center**, 101 Alfonso
- Northwood Community Center, 4531 Bryan Ave
- Quail Hill Community Center**, 39 Shady Canyon Drive
- South Coast Chinese Cultural Center, 9 Truman
- University of California, Irvine, Student Center, 311 W. Peltason Drive
- University Hills Community Center, 1083 California Ave
** Drive-thru ballot drop-off option
For a complete list of Orange County Vote Centers and hours, a list of Ballot Drop Box locations, or for general election information, visit or call the City of Irvine Election Hotline at 949-724-6159.