The City of Irvine partnered with OC Human Relations to host a Virtual Town Hall training event to help community members understand how they can recognize hate crimes and incidents and learn the skills necessary to move from a passive bystander to an “active upstander.” If you missed the meeting, you can now watch a recording of the training.
The training event taught participants how to react if you witness a public act of hatred or bigotry in the community, and how to best respond in order to make Orange County a better place for all of its residents.
Panelists for the Virtual Town Hall included:
- Farrah N. Khan, City of Irvine Mayor
- Mike Hamel, Irvine Police Department Chief
- Don Han, Director of Operations for OC Human Relations
Together the City of Irvine and OC Human Relations believe all people have the right to live free from discrimination and violence. We invite our community to join the training and call upon all to be “upstanders” against injustice and hate.
Watch a Recording of the Training
Read Mayor Farrah N. Khan's op-ed regarding ending hate and intolerance in the Irvine community and taking steps toward change.
More information about the City of Irvine's efforts to ensure inclusivity and diversity in Irvine can be found at weareirvine.org.