Due to a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, City of Irvine officials are taking steps to further protect the health and well-being of employees and the community.
Throughout the pandemic, the City of Irvine has consistently maintained a lower per capita case rate than many other cities, due in large part to the diligent efforts of community members and employees to get vaccinated, wear masks, and follow other health guidelines.
However, just like cities across the country, Irvine has experienced a substantial increase in cases since California reopened June 15, going from an average of about 4 new cases a day to approximately 30 new cases daily.
After careful consideration and in an effort to slow the spread of the disease and the Delta variant, the City is implementing the following measures:
- Effective immediately, masks are required inside City facilities for visitors, regardless of vaccination status.
- Employees will be required to be fully vaccinated or participate in weekly COVID-19 testing beginning next month, after necessary communication with employees and employee associations.
“I am grateful to our City staff for their ongoing efforts to combat COVID-19, and I want to thank the 75% of employees who have already been vaccinated,” said Mayor Farrah N. Khan. “The additional measures we are implementing, based on recent data, will further protect the health and well-being of our employees and everyone in our community.”
City officials are also encouraging the community to follow the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health that everyone wear a mask in all indoor public settings, even if they have been vaccinated.
In addition, Irvine officials are urging everyone to get vaccinated. Vaccines are the most important tool in stopping transmission, preventing new variants, and saving lives. More than 13,400 vaccinations have been provided through City partnerships with local health care providers, and neighborhood vaccination clinics continue to be offered throughout Irvine. A comprehensive map of Irvine locations offering vaccinations is available at cityofirvine.org/vaccine.
Read the executive order here.