Jeffrey Open Space Trail Extension Project

Jeffrey Open Space Trail Extension Project
(Barranca Parkway to the 5 Freeway) 

Project Description

The project is an extension of the 3.5 mile Jeffrey Open Space Trail (JOST). In March 2024, the City held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Jeffrey Open Space Trail Bicycle and Pedestrian project.

The coming JOST bridge will be located south of and adjacent to Jeffrey Road. The JOST Extension (Barranca to Walnut) Project will complete an important Class I bicycle and pedestrian facility in the City’s overall trails and open space systems. Together, these projects will ultimately close the gaps and provide a key linkage between trails that extend from the Pacific Ocean all the way up to the Santa Ana Mountains and Cleveland National Forest.

The planned bridge is almost 1,200 feet long and 15 feet wide, spanning Interstate 5, the Caltrans Park & Ride parking lot, and Walnut Avenue. Architectural features planned for the bridge were inspired by the existing JOST, elements of the Jeffrey Open Space Spine Community Consensus Plan, and existing land uses in the area. There are also lighting elements included in the design to ensure the JOST Bridge is as functional and aesthetically pleasing at night as it is during the day.

Construction of the facility will take approximately two years, and the bridge and trail extension should be open for public use by early 2026. Learn more about the project

View photos of the bridge under construction. 

Project Location Map


Project Delivery Division
City of Irvine, Public Works & Sustainability Department
1 Civic Center Plaza
P.O. Box 19575
Irvine, CA 92623-9575