The Legislative Platform provides a streamlined process through which the City Council, City Manager, City staff, and the City’s legislative advocates can act in a timely manner in response to legislative proposals. This policy platform serves as an opportunity to identify specific priority areas of interest for the City, which benefit the Irvine community.
The Legislative Platform will be developed each legislative cycle for City Council consideration based on input from the City Council Legislative Affairs Subcommittee, the City Manager and legislative affairs staff, research of current law and pending legislation, and discussions with local legislative offices in consultation with the City’s legislative advocates.
Once approved by the City Council, legislation that is consistent with the Legislative Platform will be reviewed and approved by the Legislative Affairs Subcommittee and signed by the Mayor. Once approved, a position letter will be sent to the bill’s author, the City’s legislative advocate, and other stakeholders as deemed appropriate by staff, and a copy of the letter will be distributed to the City Council.
State and Federal Legislative Platform 2025-2026
State and Federal Legislative Platform 2024
City Council Action: 2024 State and Federal Legislative Platform
City Council Action: Legislative Affairs Program and Policy