Golf Course Site - Shows boundary lines, including the Gold Course Site designated as the Southern California Veterans Cemetery.
Land Exchange Map - Shows the two sites to be exchanged (City-owned ARDA site for privately owned Strawberry Fields/Bake Parkway site).
Aerial Map - Shows the Strawberry Fields/Bake Parkway site designated by the City for a State Veterans Cemetery, pending ownership transfer to the City with the land exchange.
Orange County Great Park Vicinity Map - Broader overview of Orange County Great Park location in Orange County
Reference Information Regarding the Federal State Cemetery Grant Process
Following are web links to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and California Department of Veterans Affairs regarding State Veterans Cemeteries and the Federal State Cemetery grant process that will be led by CalVet:
1. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs State Veterans Cemetery Grants Program webpage providing a broad overview of the program:
2. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemetery grant webpage describing eligibility requirements, history and process:
3. California Department of Veterans Affairs – State Veterans Cemeteries webpage: