December 8 Swearing-In Ceremony for Mayor, Councilmembers Modified to Protect the Health and Safety of the Community as COVID-19 Cases Rise

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The City of Irvine is modifying its Swearing-In Ceremony for its newly elected mayor and councilmembers on Tuesday, December 8 to better protect the health and safety of the community as the number of coronavirus cases continues to surge throughout Orange County and the State.

“The health and safety of our community is our top priority. Although the drive-in ceremony that had been planned at the Great Park met all COVID-19 safety guidelines, with the number of coronavirus cases continuing to rise at an alarming rate we have decided that it is in the best interest of residents and City staff to limit the number of people attending next week’s Swearing-In Ceremony,” Mayor-elect Farrah N. Khan said. “We regret that we will not be able to come together as a community to celebrate, but we invite you to join us in watching the ceremony live on ICTV30 and online via YouTube and Facebook.”

The ceremony for Mayor-elect Khan, Councilmember Mike Carroll, Councilmember-elect Tammy Kim, and Councilmember-elect Larry Agran will be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall and public attendance will no longer be permitted. The event had originally been organized as a drive-in event at the Orange County Great Park.

The Swearing-In Ceremony will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. and will be available to view live on ICTV, which is available on Cox Communications Channel 30 and on AT&T U-verse Channel 99. It will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel and the Facebook Page.

The City Council Meeting will follow at 4 p.m. and can be viewed on ICTV30 or streamed at