Great Plates Delivered Program Launching in Irvine

Friday, May 15, 2020

The City of Irvine is pleased to announce the Great Plates Delivered Program, a new home-delivery meal service from the State of California. The Great Plates Delivered Program helps qualifying older adults receive three free nutritious meals a day, while boosting our local economy by supporting Irvine restaurants and workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

City staff invite Irvine restaurants and meal providers who may be interested in being part of this program to join the state’s interest list at (click on “Provide Meals for Seniors”). Businesses interested in learning more or being considered for the Great Plates Delivered Program can call the Senior and Community Support Hotline at 949-724-6926.

The temporary emergency program will be in place through at least June 10, 2020, and may be extended. Irvine residents interested in benefitting from the Great Plates Delivered Program must meet the state’s qualifications, including:

  • be 65 years or older, or ages 60 to 64 and at high-risk as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
  • cannot currently be receiving assistance from other nutrition programs, including the City’s Congregate Meals Program;
  • and must affirm an inability to prepare or obtain their own meals.

The Great Plates Delivered program is administered locally by Age Well Senior Services. To apply for meals and learn more about qualifications, visit Participants can also call the City of Irvine Senior and Community Hotline at 949-724-6926 for assistance.

The State of California is ending the Great Plates Delivered program on November 30. For assistance with meal services, call 949-724-6900 to learn more about the Congregate Meals and Irvine Meals on Wheels Programs.