News Release

City of Irvine
Public Information Office

1 Civic Center Plaza
Irvine, CA 92606



Public Information Office

Irvine Strategies to Prevent COVID-19

At the March 12 Irvine City Council Emergency Meeting, the City Council deliberated at length concerning the effects of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) regarding the City of Irvine’s public facilities, services, and events. Based on those careful deliberations, the City Council unanimously directed implementation of preventative measures.

“Tonight our city council met and unanimously approved a number of preventative measures to preserve the health, safety, and well-being of our diverse community,” said Irvine Mayor Christina Shea. “While these preventative measures may cause a temporary inconvenience, we as your City Council and City staff, are first and foremost prioritizing the overall health and well-being of our residents, businesses, and visitors."  

Preventative measures include:

  1. City Sponsored Events: All City-sponsored community events through the end of April will be postponed. The event list will be published on the City’s website. This will include the Great Park Balloon, Carousel, and Farmers’ Market. 
  2. Senior Centers: The City's three senior centers and the Sweet Shade Ability Center will be closed until further notice, effective March 13 at 5 p.m. Read more here.​
    1. Congregate Meal Pickup services at Lakeview Senior will suspended and will be converted to delivery service only.  Meals on Wheels will continue with doorstep delivery. 

    2. TRIPS Program will be suspended until further notice. A hotline will be established to manage inquiries and provide resource information. Staff will fulfill grocery requests and deliver for current TRIPS participants upon request on an as needed weekly basis. Rides to medical appointments will be fulfilled through the City’s contracted service provider with yellow cab.

  3. Adult Recreation: All recreation classes for adults will be postponed through the end of April. 
  4. Evening and Weekend Youth Recreation: Indoor and outdoor recreation programs for children, other than after school and spring break programs, will be postponed through the end of April.
    1. After School and Spring Break Recreation, and Child Care: The City Manager will work with the School District Liaison Committee (City Councilmember Khan and City Councilmember Kuo) in coordination with the school districts to determine the best course for handling afterschool programs, spring break camps, and child care programs for youth. 
  5. Private Events at City Facilities: Private events scheduled at indoor and outdoor City facilities (such as weddings, memorials, church services, and sports leagues) will be postponed.
    1. However, the Community Centers shall remain open.
  6. Irvine Animal Care Center:  The Irvine Animal Care Center shall remain open; however, events at the Animal Care Center shall be postponed until further notice. 
  7. City Council and Commission Meeting: The City Council strongly encourages telecommuting by the public at City Council meetings, as authorized by the Governor’s Emergency Executive Order, issued on March 12.
    1. City staff will work with Commissions to limit and consolidate meetings, in an effort to minimize public exposures.
      1. Committee meetings will be postponed until further notice.
  8. Public Facility Cleaning: The City of Irvine will complete a “spring cleaning” and sanitization of all City buildings, beginning March 13. All people in City Hall will be encouraged to continue using hand sanitizers other cleaning materials made available in City Hall. 
  9. Public Services: Beginning Wednesday, March 18, all City services will be performed by City staff online, or by telephone. Personal meetings will not be available at City Hall until further notice. The Irvine Police Department Business Desk will maintain regular operating procedures at this time.
  10. Work Travel: Work travel for City employees shall be postponed/cancelled until further notice, unless essential to a City employees’ ability to maintain a license or certification. 
  11. City Staff Meetings: All in-person meetings shall be rescheduled as telephonic meetings, effective immediately.

The City of Irvine will continue to provide updates given the rapidly evolving situation.