At its March 24, 2020 meeting, the Irvine City Council approved a number of resolutions pertaining to the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
City Council Resolution No. 20-28
City Council Resolution No. 20-28 states the following:
The City of Irvine ratifies the proclamation of the existence of a local emergency by the Director of Emergency Services and confirming emergency orders, rules and regulations.
City Council Resolution No. 20-29 states the following:
To strongly encourage, and expect, all residential and commercial landlords, and all utility providers, in the City of Irvine to abide by the provisions of the Governor’s Executive Order, and to specifically refrain from evictions, foreclosures, rent increases, or service and utility disconnections during the period of the COVID-19 emergency. Without limiting the foregoing, this Section is intended to apply to consumers utilizing storage spaces (whether that relationship is defined as a tenancy or otherwise), which consumers shall be deemed “tenants” for purposes of this resolution.
City Council Resolution No. 20-30
City Council Resolution No. 20-30 states the following:
- To strongly recommend that all retail sales businesses and service businesses provide protective supplies such as masks, gloves and cleaning agents for their employees and to limit the customers in their facilities based on size.
- To strongly recommend that all grocery and/or pharmacy-type stores provide separate hours for senior citizens to shop and to limit the purchase of products so everyone has adequate supplies, especially disinfectant products and baby products.
- To strongly recommend all restaurants and/or bars providing food to provide online and/or phone ordering and curbside pick-up of food and beverages.
- To strongly encourage all local businesses to provide information to their employees on mental health resources that are available throughout the County, to help cope with the stresses caused by the COVID-19 emergency.
- City staff shall work with University of California, Irvine, the Orange County Healthcare Agency, and other public and private organizations to make COVID-19 local testing available as testing capabilities are expanded, and to ensure that Irvine citizens are aware of those opportunities. Educational information and guidance managing COVID-19, including what individuals can do if they suspect they are infected and about access to testing will be provided on the City’s webpage and through social media.