Water Quality Tips for Residents

Stormwater pollution can have detrimental effects on the local community and environment. Fortunately, stormwater pollution can be prevented. With a little consciousness and simple changes in everyday behavior, stormwater pollution can be averted.

Irrigation Troubleshooting


Cycle and Soak


Educational Materials

Ocean Begins at Your Door(link is external)

Automotive Maintenance(link is external) - Oil, grease, anti-freeze and other toxic automotive fluids often make their way into the stormdrain system and contribute to stormwater pollution. Use the guidelines contained in these pollution prevention materials when working on your car.

Dog and Livestock Owner(link is external) - When it rains, dog and other animal waste left on lawns, sidewalks and in the street can wash into stormdrains and flow untreated directly into our local waterways. The bacteria and risk of disease threatens the health of our community. Follow these easy steps to be a responsible pet owner and help protect your family and environment’s health.

Home Improvement(link is external) - Many items we use everyday-such as paints, pesticides, fertilizers, motor oil, etc-often make their way into the stormdrain system and are not treated before entering waterways. More information on how to properly dispose of common household waste materials can be found in the Household Hazardous Waste section of this website and in the following brochure.

Lawncare and Gardening(link is external) - Improper lawncare and gardening can adversely affect our environment such as sprinkler runoff that carries pesticides and fertilizers into the stormdrain system. Grass clippings, leaves and other yard waste gets swept or blown into the street, clogging catch basins and polluting waterways. Keep water in the yard, not the sidewalk, find out information regarding tips, rebates and events to stop overwatering at overwateringisout.org(link is external).

Orange County Sanitation District Sewage Spill Information(link is external)

View a list of additional brochures(link is external).

Pollution Reporting and Additional Resources

♦ Water Pollution Complaint Hotline

In Irvine: 

To report a malfunctioning sprinkler or other errant irrigation issues: 949-724-7600

In the County of Orange:

To report illegal dumping of toxic waste, toxic waste spills, or clogged catch basins:
877-89-SPILL or 877-897-7455

♦ County of Orange, OC Watersheds

Orange County Stormwater Program

877-89-SPILL or 877-897-7455 or visit www.ocwatersheds.com(link is external)

♦ Orange County Stormwater Program

24 Hour Water Pollution Reporting Hotline

877-89-SPILL or 877-897-7455

♦ Orange County Health Care Agency Environmental Health

714-433-6419 or visit www.ochealthinfo.com(link is external)

♦ Regional Water Quality Control Board

Santa Ana Region

951-782-4130 or visit www.waterboards.ca.gov(link is external)

♦ California Office of Emergency Services

800-852-7550 or visit www.caloes.ca.gov(link is external)