Frequently Asked Questions

View the City of Irvine Community Services Reservation Policy here. For answers to common questions, see below. Contact Facility Reservations at 949-724-6620 or for more information.

Q. How do I make a reservation? 
A. Applicants looking to reserve City of Irvine facilities are now able to submit reservation requests online at least 30 days prior to the event. Please complete the application and request form below, and staff will respond to requests during regular business hours. City of Irvine Facility Reservation offices are open 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursdays, and 8 a.m.–5 p.m. on Fridays. For questions, contact 949-724-6620 or

Facility Reservation Application & Request

Q. What City facilities can I rent?
Rentable facilities in the City include various rooms, picnic shelters, athletic fields, and open spaces:

  • Rentable Facilities: A list of rentable facilities including community center rooms, athletic fields, and outdoor spaces can be found on the Rentable Facilities webpage.
  • Picnic shelters: Picnic shelters may be reserved at some community parks; visit the Picnics & Bounce Houses webpage for more information.
  • Athletic Fields: Fields located at City parks and Great Park may be reserved for one-time and ongoing use through the City’s Athletics division. For more information, visit the Athletic Fields webpage, email, or call 949-724-6584.  ​ 
  • Open Space: Designated trails on the Irvine Open Space Preserve are open to the public from dawn to dusk for passive use and recreation. Permits are required for various uses; for more information, visit the Open Space Permits webpage.

Q. How much does it cost to rent a facility?
Facility rental fees vary based on a variety of factors, including type of facility, number of guests, reservation time, and more. For more information, visit the Reservation & Fee Policy webpage, or contact 949-724-6620 or

Q. What services does a reservation include?
Indoor reservations include exclusive use of the room or space reserved and furniture related to the requested set-up (e.g., tables and chairs), as well as limited staff support on-site. Reservations do not include food, supplies, linens, equipment (e.g., audio/visual, screens, dance floors, or computers), or advertising.

Outdoor reservations include exclusive use of the area reserved, shared use of adjacent restrooms, and limited staff support on-site. Reservations do not include sports equipment, supplies, or advertising.

Q. Can I have a bounce house at a park?
Yes. Bounce houses are allowed with a permit fee at some community and neighborhood parks. Visit the Picnics & Bounce Houses webpage for more information.

Q. Are rentable City facilities open on holidays?
No. All City facilities are closed on: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Q. Is alcohol permitted at City facilities?
Yes, with an alcohol use permit issued in conjunction with a reserved event at which alcohol will be served. The original application must indicate that alcohol will be served. Other requirements include:

  • Licensed bartender or serving attendant who has completed “Special Event Server Training” and is at least 21 years of age. Bartender/serving attendant may not consume alcohol at the event or be under the influence while serving.
  • Consumption of alcohol by guests will be limited to reserved facility buildings and/or designated picnic areas. Alcohol may not be consumed outside of reserved areas.
  • If there is a cost to attend the event, including admission by donation, or if alcohol is sold at the event, the applicant must also obtain a license from the Alcohol Beverage Control office. A copy of the ABC license must be emailed to City Facility Reservations staff at at least 30 days prior to the event.
  • Additional costs, at applicant expense, may include: alcohol use, liability insurance, and security officer fees (including City Public Safety department staff); City staff support; deposits; insurance; and access control plans.

Q. When is security required and how much does it cost?
Security service is required whenever:

  • Alcohol is served
  • Indoor attendance is 150 or more
  • Outdoor attendance is 200 or more
  • Indoor or outdoor event with 100 or more youth
  • City staff determines the event is high-risk or other special condition

Security services are provided only by the City’s contracted provider at the hourly rate negotiated by the City. Fees are non-refundable.

Q. How do I cancel or change a reservation?
 Cancelation and change requests must be submitted in writing by the applicant or event contact person to (park site staff cannot accept requests). Cancelation/change fees may apply; contact Facility Reservations at 949-724-6620 for more information.