Risk Management & Workers Comp

Every employer in the State of California must provide workers' compensation coverage for employees who are injured on the job. The City of Irvine is self-insured for workers' compensation coverage, which means we pay for the actual cost of work-related injuries and illnesses ourselves as opposed to purchasing an actual insurance policy.

Workers' compensation is no-fault coverage for employees and volunteers that are injured on the job. Benefits are set by the State Legislature, and may include:

  • Medical care
  • Partial compensation for lost wages (temporary disability)
  • Permanent disability
  • Vocational rehabilitation 
  • Death benefits

In addition to providing State-mandated benefits, the City of Irvine provides Industrial Accident Leave (IAL) to full-time employees according to the appropriate Memorandum of Understanding or Salary Resolution.

The City of Irvine is vitally interested in ensuring that all employees injured on the job receive quality medical care, prompt and accurate compensation payments, and help in returning to work.

Claims Administration
Claims are handled by AdminSure, a third-party administrator (TPA).
Claims adjusters at AdminSure can be contacted at 909-861-0816.

What to do if you are injured on the job

  • Immediately report the injury to your supervisor
  • Sign claim form and receive employee benefit information
  • Go to the doctor
  • Return to work status slip to your supervisor