Sweet Shade Ability Center
Sweet Shade Ability Center is located inside Sweet Shade Neighborhood Park and is home of City of Irvine's Disability Services. The center features a multipurpose room, kitchen, courtyard, garden, and Irvine’s first universal playground with many accessible and sensory features. Sweet Shade Ability Center provides Disability Services programs to the community during the week and is available for public reservations on Saturdays. View details about rentable spaces below.
The City of Irvine offers a variety of activities for individuals with sensory, physical, or cognitive disabilities, and their family members at Sweet Shade Ability Center. Programs include arts, social recreation, dance, gardening, cooking, and more. For all activities currently at Sweet Shade Ability Center, visit yourirvine.org.
Please review the amenities below. To make a reservation or for more information, contact Facility Reservations at 949-724-6620 or reservations@cityofirvine.org. Applicants may now also fill out a Facility Reservation Application & Request form online here.