Wild Rivers Irvine at Great Park Fact Sheet

Wild Rivers opened to the public July 10, 2022. The newly designed waterpark features over 20 acres, 20 rides, and three restaurants. Visit wildrivers.com(link is external) to view park hours, details regarding ticket purchase and cabana rentals and answers to FAQs.  

View Grand Opening Photos 

Wild Rivers Project Details

Annual Employment: 1200
Development Cost: ~$60 million
Construction Duration: 10 months
Operator: Mike Riedel
Contractor: Bergman KPRS

Lease Details 

Base Term:  35-years
Extension Terms: 7x 5-year
Rent (greater of): 4.5% gross revenue (or)  $550,000 annually
Initial Acreage: 20-acres
Option parcel : 3-acres

City Project Details

Parking Capacity : ~1200-spaces
Construction Duration: 5-months
Cost: ~$12 million
Cost Repayment Through Lease Revenue:
Wild Rivers Usage: May-October
City Usage: October-May