Calling all magicians, makers, inkers, skaters, and fun-loving creators: get your ink on with artist Michael C. Hsiung! Creating designs and illustrations for brands such as Vans, Dr. Martens, and Enjoi Skateboards, Hsiung believes you don’t have to be a Rembrandt to make art; all you need to do is pick up a pen.
Irvine is a special place because of its unique history and its focus on the future. Young people are a vital part of our City’s growth and future. There is a lot of power in youth — we want to hear your voices and let you have a seat at the table. Learn more about the City of Irvine in the Kids Information Packet, a resource on City history, departments, demographics, and fun facts; government roles; and how to get more involved.
The 2023 Cool Irvine Sustainability Fair is Saturday, June 24, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., at Heritage Community Park. Enjoy information and activities on energy efficiency, disaster preparedness, plant-based diets, rebates/tax credits (state and federal), water conservation, solar and battery storage, kids' activities, food trucks, and retail vendors. More information and free tickets are available at
- ARDA Agreement
- Federal Facility Agreement
- Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Agreement
- Environmental Baseline Survey:
In partnership with the City of Irvine, Waste Management is hosting a free paper-shredding event at Lakeview Senior Center. Irvine residents can safely and securely dispose of up to five banker-size file boxes. The event is first-come, first-served and will end early if truck capacity is reached. Customers who wish to watch their paper be shredded will need to park in a designated area away from the truck and staff.