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Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

In 2021, the City of Irvine embarked on developing its first Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The CAAP will set ambitious but achievable emissions reduction targets for the City and lays out a pathway to achieving our climate goals across both municipal operations and our community. Through thoughtfully planned greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and climate adaptation measures, the CAAP will build upon Irvine’s previous steps towards climate leadership in Orange County to create a truly climate-smart City for the future. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Irvine City Council directed staff to take steps to develop a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan that will: Guide the City on the implementation of measurable actions to meet or exceed the State’s

The City Of Irvine recently completed or is currently in construction of three street repair projects that utilized, or will utilize, recycled tire rubber. These projects, as shown in the graphic below were able to recycle and divert 30,003 tires from California landfills and waste streams. A tire recycling grant from CalRecycle provided some of the funding for these projects. Please click on the image to view a larger version. 
