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  • There are height restrictions for fountains and fireplaces, depending on where they are placed/constructed. General zoning guidelines are provided below, but you should contact the Planning Counter at or 949-724-6308 with any questions
  • Gas appliances (such as firepits) may not be placed/constructed under combustible construction (for example in a California room or under a wooden trellis/patio cover)


  • There are setback requirements for patio covers/gazebos. These setback requirements vary depending on the style of patio cover/gazebo. Refer to the Zoning Guidance below
  • Open-lattice patio covers that comply with City of Irvine standards will not require plans and calculations stamped and signed by a California licensed engineer
  • All other types of patio covers will require plans and calculations stamped and signed by a California licensed engineer

Thank you to the following artists participating in the 2021 Studio Arts Festival on June 5 at Heritage Community Park. See a complete list of vendors, broken down by category, below. For more information on the event, visit the Studio Arts Festival webpage.

Festival Map

Click the 2021 Studio Arts Festival map below for a higher resolution view.


  • Your Homeowners Association may have its own approval process. Review your HOA policies and procedures before proceeding with your design plans
  • If the pool is part of an apartment, condominium, or home owners’ association common area, additional review will be required. Contact the Planning Counter at 949-724-6308.
  • After you have completed and gathered all of the required documents, you will need to submit your permit application and plans electronically through the IrvineReady! Online Plan Submission Portal


Please contact your assigned Building Inspector to schedule an onsite meeting. After evaluating your site preparedness, the Inspector will then initiate the TCO/TU Application Process. Your inspector will provide you with the required forms. Once completed, you will need to submit these forms electronically through the IrvineReady! Online Permit Submittal portal.


  • Special conditions apply for the following types of certifications: 
    • Asphalt Deputy: you will need to submit a resume alongside your application (showing asphalt-related jobs and responsibilities) so it may be reviewed by Grading staff
    • Sheer Nailing Deputy: your application will need to be reviewed in the field by an inspection supervisor
    • Pile Drilling Deputy: your application will need to be reviewed in the field by an inspection supervisor

The City of Irvine issues a variety of building and construction-related permits, with varying review processes and requirements. Some permits have a short review time, but all projects will require some type of review for conformance with established codes and standards (such as the California Building Code, fire and life safety standards, and planning and zoning requirements, among a variety of other disciplines).

In general, permits are required for most construction or repair activities regulated by code. Exceptions are listed below. In such cases, the work must still conform to all technical codes and applicable city, county, and state ordinances. Please also consult with your Homeowners Association to see if your project is allowed within your association's CC&Rs.

Common projects are grouped and categorized below. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Permit Processing Center at 949-724-6313.
