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Thursday, November 12, 2020
Flip through the winter issue of Inside Irvine ! Be inspired by how community members, local businesses, and City organizations have united to keep the public safe during COVID-19; discover ways to

Our Traffic Management Center is staffed Monday through Saturday and most Sundays to monitor traffic during the peak periods, in and around schools, as well as during construction, special events and unexpected incidents. Various devices are used to help facilitate smooth and safe traffic flow. So what are these devices that can be seen across the City?

Thursday, November 5, 2020
SUBJECT: Silverado Fire Update November 5, 2020 Waste Management is currently working to service all customers as scheduled on their regular collection service day. As a result of the Silverado Fire
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
The City of Irvine hosts a special modified ceremony to pay tribute to our nation’s troops — past and present — and honor local veterans, veterans groups, and military organizations. The Veterans Day
