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Do you work, live, shop, dine, or visit places in the Irvine Business Complex (IBC)?
The IBC is a dynamic employment center with businesses, retail, services, restaurants, and is now changing with new residential areas. The City is launching an IBC Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan to explore opportunities for development multi-use trails or linear parks that provide connections to all of these destinations and enhance our new residential community.
Do you work, live, shop, dine, or visit places in the Irvine Business Complex (IBC)?
The IBC is a dynamic employment center with businesses, retail, services, restaurants, and is now changing with new residential areas. The City is launching an IBC Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan to explore opportunities for development multi-use trails or linear parks that provide connections to all of these destinations and enhance our new residential community.
Do you work, live, shop, dine, or visit places in the Irvine Business Complex (IBC)?
The IBC is a dynamic employment center with businesses, retail, services, restaurants, and is now changing with new residential areas. The City is launching an IBC Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan to explore opportunities for development multi-use trails or linear parks that provide connections to all of these destinations and enhance our new residential community.