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The AARP Smart Driver™

The AARP Smart Driver™ teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. 
Cost: $20 AARP Members; $25 Non-Members
Requirements/Specifics: For drivers 55 and older. Pre-registration required at
More info: 949-724-6800


Daily trips to and from Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Diego with stops in Orange County, including the Irvine Station.
Cost: Varies based on route
Requirements/Specifics: Check website for more information on discounts available to seniors ages 65 and older, veterans, persons with disabilities and their companions. Wheelchair-accessible transportation options available.
Phone: 800-USA-RAIL (800-872-7245)

Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA): ACCESS

For Orange County residents who are disabled and unable to use regular bus service. 
Cost: Varies
Requirements/Specifics: Passengers must meet American with Disabilities (ADA) eligibility criteria. Interview and certification by ACCESS required. Modification of service beyond curb must be approved. Same-day taxi program available. Wheelchair-accessible transportation options available.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Transportation Network

Volunteer network providing transportation for U.S. disabled veterans to/from the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Cost: Free
Requirements/Specifics: Registration required. Trips require advance notice of seven to 10 days.

A key component to healthy living is getting out, whether it is to your doctor, the senior center, grocery store or local museum. The resources below are designed to help get seniors where they need to go. All programs, prices and registration requirements are subject to change, so check schedules before planning your trip.

Join graphic designers Jen and Amy Hood as they discuss their careers in the creative industry. The panel discussion complements Orange County Great Park's exhibition, Eureka: A California Design Story with the Hoods and Friends.

Eureka runs Sunday, Dec. 3-Sunday, Feb. 11 at the Great Park Gallery. It explores how design reflects, impacts and changes culture and society. The exhibition honors graphic design movements from the Gold Rush to the present, while chronicling both historic and obscure moments from California’s history.
