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Join the City of Irvine, the Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce and the Exchange Club of Irvine for the 36th Annual Irvine Community Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast, to be held November 16 at the Irvine Marriott Hotel. Tickets for the 7:30 a.m. breakfast are $45; proceeds benefit The Raise Foundation.

The City of Irvine, with financial support from the Mobile Source Air Pollution Review Committee , recently purchased a water truck and asphalt patch truck powered by compressed natural gas. These

The Irvine Police Department is pleased to welcome students back to school this month. As we all know, the first couple weeks of school can be a hectic time with adjusting to new schedules or drop-off routines. IPD is here to help you and your children get to and from school safely each day. Here are some tips to keep in mind: 
