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City of Irvine Environmental Programs

Project Delivery & Sustainability

One Civic Center Plaza
P.O. Box 19575
Irvine, CA 92623-9575

Phone: 949-724-7365
Irvine Recycles Hotline: 949-724-7669

Monday -Thursday 7:30am -5:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

As Californians, we are doing a pretty good job at recycling, but every year we’re still trashing more than 6 billion CRV bottles and cans. Watch the video below to learn more!

Recycle your bottles and cans at any of these locations:


AB-341 State Requirement to Recycle will take effect on July 1, 2012, stating the mandatory implementation of a recycling plan by businesses, public entities, and multi-family units in California. To read about the bill and what you can do to stay compliant, please visit our AB-341 page.

If your school doesn’t currently offer a recycling program you may want to consider taking the initiative and starting one.
