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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Irvine, CA (Dec. 16, 2015): The Irvine Police Department (IPD) has arrested two suspects for a series of high-end alcohol thefts from grocery stores. The suspects are identified as Quinette Hall, 41

When it rains, it pours: What to do in a deluge

  • If you are driving in the rain, follow these steps for your safety and the safety of others on the roadway.
  • Check your tire tread to ensure adequate tire tread depth.  The depth should exceed 1/16th of an inch to optimize traction on wet roadways. Don’t hesitate to replace tires now.
  • Make sure your brakes, windshield wipers, and all lighting equipment are working properly. Test them at home with a partner to help.

The Adventure Playground is a drop-in facility and available for everyone to enjoy. Explore Adventure Playground's many amenities, including:

There are many advantages to volunteering your time and effort, including: personal satisfaction, making a difference and feeling a sense of accomplishment in a job that serves a worthwhile cause. Volunteering is also a way to gain meaningful experience and contacts and can be done on a one-time basis or over the course of many months or years. 


The iShuttle, operated and managed by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), serves residents, employees and employers in the Irvine Spectrum Area and the Irvine Business Complex (IBC) by taking commuters and residents to and from work and home. 

For information on iShuttle routes, visit the OCTA website. Scroll down and click on "City Bus Connections."

CFL Light Bulbs

Switching from traditional light bulbs to CFLs is an effective, accessible change every American can make right now to reduce energy use at home and prevent greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change.

Lighting accounts for close to 20 percent of the average home’s electric bill. Changing to CFLs costs little upfront and provides a quick return on investment.
