Harvard Community Center
Available for Reservations:
- Multipurpose room
- Kitchen
For more information, visit the Harvard Community Center reservations webpage.
Park Amenities
- Harvard Community Center
- 2 Restrooms
- 9 Drinking Fountains
- 1 Concession Stand
- 4 Lighted Soccer Fields (3 Overlay)
- 7 Lighted Ball Diamonds (4 Overlay)
- Bicycle Trail Access
- 4 Lighted Batting Cages
- 5 Barbecues
- 12 Picnic Tables
- 1 Skate Park
Approximately 26.9 acres in size.
Available for Reservations:
- Ball Diamonds
- Soccer Fields
For information on reserving athletic fields, visit the City's Athletics Field webpage, call 949-724-6830, or email fieldreservations@cityofirvine.org.