Irvine Civic Center

Irvine Civic Center encompasses Irvine City Hall and the Irvine Police Department. City Hall has limited space available for public reservations, including a Conference and Training Center, Lobby, Council Chamber, two meeting rooms, an outdoor piazza, and lawn. View details about rentable spaces within Irvine Civic Center below.


Please review the amenities below. To make a reservation or for more information, contact Facility Reservations at 949-724-6620 or Applicants may now also fill out a Facility Reservation Application & Request form online here.

Available Facility Reservations


Irvine Civic Center’s Conference and Training Center is 2,156 square feet, and includes a built-in audio visual system. The room features stone tiles and carpeted floor, and accommodates theater-style seating, banquet seating, conference seating, and classroom-style seating. The maximum room capacity is approximately 100 attendees, depending on setup.

The Conference and Training Center includes access to a staging kitchen, which is available for an add-on fee. No cooking is permitted in the kitchen, which features a small ice machine, refrigerator, and coffee machine.


The Irvine Civic Center lobby is 3,200 square feet. The room features a stone tiled floor and can be set up with banquet, theater, or reception seating. The maximum capacity is 300 people, depending on setup.


Irvine Civic Center’s Council Chamber is 1,628 square feet. The room features a carpeted floor and fixed seating for 178 people. An additional 22 chairs may be requested and placed at the top landing. No food or beverage is permitted in the Council Chamber. 


Room L102 at Irvine Civic Center is 490 square feet, and located next to the Conference and Training Center. The room features carpeted floor and accommodates theater-style seating, banquet seating, conference seating, and classroom-style seating. The maximum room capacity is approximately 40 attendees, depending on setup.

Room L102 includes access to a staging kitchen, which is available for an add-on fee. No cooking is permitted in the kitchen, which features a small ice machine, refrigerator, and coffee machine.


Room L104 at Irvine Civic Center is 288 square feet, and located next to the Council Chamber. The room features carpeted floor, a white board, LCD projector, and a fixed conference table with room for up to 10 people.


Irvine Civic Center’s piazza is 20,009 square feet and located in the front area of the Civic Center. The piazza features stone floor and accommodates theater-style and classroom-style seating for up to 200 chairs. Additional furniture may be rented from an outside company.


The Irvine Civic Center Lawn is on the backside of the center, facing Alton Parkway. On a limited basis, the Civic Center lawn may be available for reservation with a reservation of the Civic Center lobby and one additional room. It accommodates theater-style and classroom-style seating for up to 200 chairs. Additional furniture may be rented from an outside company.

Policies & Fees

The City of Irvine Community Services Reservation Policy is established to ensure that the use of City facilities and parks aligns with City values, provides fair access to all users, remains fair priced, operates in a fiscally responsible manner, and supports a safe and sustainable community. View the Reservation Policy here.

Reservation Fees & Hours

Irvine Civic Center's rooms are available for rent; hourly rates vary by room, group, and event type (see the Reservation Policy for more details). Please see the table below for a general overview of fees, or view a PDF version here. Reservations outside of regular operating hours may be subject to additional fees, noted below.

Conference & Training Center* $200 $93 $116
Civic Center Lobby $150 $93 $116
Council Chamber $400 $88 $110
Room L102 $150 $80 $98
Room L104 $100 $77 $96
Civic Center Combo $400 $489 $610
Civic Center Piazza $200 $175 $218
Staging Kitchen $200 $40 additional charge per reservation day, in addition to reservation fees for the Conference & Training Center or Room L102.
Civic Center Lawn $200 $15 (noncommercial) and $30 (commercial) additional charge per reservation day, in addition to reservation fees for the lobby and one additional room.

*A $20 additional hourly fee will be charged for reservations of premium rooms during primetime hours. Primetime hours are 5–9 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m.–10 p.m. Saturday, and noon–6 p.m. Sunday. Find more information on reservation hours and primetime fees here.

Please note: The above fees apply to room rental only. Events including alcohol will incur additional fees. Other needed services, such as security, porter service, or equipment rentals, are available with additional fees.

Irvine Civic Center Facility Reservation Fees

General Equipment Rental Fees